Tuesday 22 November 2011

Komik Inspector Gadget

Komik satu ini memang lucu. Inspector Gadget adalah serial televisi animasi yang berputar sekitar petualangan detektif, canggung sederhana-cerdas cyborg bernama Inspector Gadget - manusia bionik dengan gadget berbagai built ke dalam tubuhnya. Gadget lengkungan-musuh adalah Dr Claw, pemimpin sebuah organisasi kejahatan, yang dikenal sebagai "MAD

Download salah satu komik nya disini

Go Go No.1

Komik Tintin - Bahasa Indonesia 2

Beberapa tambahan Komik Tintin dalam bahasa Indonesia :
1. Tintin – Penerbangan 714 Ke Sidney
2. Tintin – Rahasia Pulau Hitam
3. Tintin – Negeri Emas Hitam:  bag 1, bag 2, bag 3, bag 4, bag 5, bag 6. 

Thursday 9 June 2011


The marsupilami is a black-spotted yellow monkey-like creature.[3] Male marsupilamis have an incredibly long, strong, flexible and prehensile tail which can be used for almost anything. Female marsupilamis have a much shorter tail, but still long compared to real animals.
Unlike the males, the females also walk on the tips of their toes. When the animal rebounds, he makes a funny noise: "Boing". Males also have eyes that are not completely separate while females have two separate eyes. Female marsupilamis also have a totally different voice than the males. Males say "houba" most of the time, while females say "houbii", which means the same thing as houba, but sounds more feminine.

Download some edition here:

1. Red Monster   Link
2. Robinson Academy  Link
3. Houba Banana  Link
4. Baby Prinz   Link
5. Viva Palombia!  Link
6. Chiquite Paradiso  Link

Si Janggut Merah

Petualangan si Janggut Merah memang menarik. Dijuluki si Raja Tujuh Lautan. Komik ini memang berasal dari Belgia. Coba saja ikuti petualangan serunya dengan menbaca beberapa edisi komik berikut.

Download komiknya disini :
1. Pulau Mati    Link   Link
2. Hantu Laut Karibia  Link

Sunday 29 May 2011

Gaston Lagaffe / Komik Gaston

Gaston is a comic strip created in 1957 by the Belgian cartoonist André Franquin in the comic strip magazine, Spirou. The series focuses on the every-day life of Gaston Lagaffe, a lazy and accident-prone (his surname means "the blunder") office junior. It is very popular in large parts of Europe (especially in Belgium and France), but except for a few pages by Fantagraphics in the early 90s (as Gomer Goof), there is no published English translation.

Gaston Lagaffe goes by different names in various languages and countries: Guust Flater in Dutch, Tomás el Gafe in Spanish, Sergi Grapes in Catalan, Gastão Dabronca in some Portuguese translations, Gastón Sequivoc in Argentina, Gastono Lafuŝ in Esperanto, Viggo in Norwegian, Vakse Viggo in Danish, Viggó Viðutan in Icelandic, Niilo Pielinen in Finnish, Gaša Šeprtlja in Serbian, Şapşal Gazi in Turkish and simply Gaston in German as well as in Swedish and Greek. In German he was also called (very briefly during a syndication) Jo-Jo.

Download ebook here (French version):
1. Gaffes Et Gadgets
2. Gala De Gaffes A Gogo
3. Le Bureau Des Gaffes En Gros
4. En Direct De Lagaffe
5. Lagaffe Nous Gate
6. Le Cas Lagaffe
7. Gaffes, Bevues Et Boulettes
8. La Saga Des Gaffes

Steven Sterk Collection (Bahasa Indonesia)

Steven Sterk adalah seorang anak kecil yang memiliki kekuatan luar biasa. Ia selalu membela kebenaran dengan kekuatannya ini. Namun seperti anak-anak kecil lainnya, Steven selalu merasa mengantuk pada malam hari. Bila ia terlalu lelah, ia akan sakit pilek dan kekuatannya hilang. Semenjak meninggalnya Peyo pada tahun 1992, seri ini diteruskan oleh anaknya, Thierry Culliford dan digambar oleh artis Pascal Garry.
Berikut ini beberapa edisi yang terbit dalam bahasa Indonesia :

1. Boneka Voodoo
2. Taxi-Taxi Merah
3. Nyonya Adolphine
4. Dua Belas Pekerjaan Steven Sterk
5. Sirkus Bodoni
6. Paman Ponesh

Thanks and credit to inob

Sunday 15 May 2011

The Smurfs Halloween Special 2010

NBM's Papercutz imprint brings you Peyo's original Smurfs to celebrate Halloween as only they can! Included are two very Smurfy stories in one very smurfy mini-comic treat! First, the Smurflings carve Jack-O-Lanterns and play some Halloween Tricks on a very frightened - and then very angry - witch! Thank goodness the real 'Jack-O-Lantern' shows up to save day! Then Brainy, Hefty, and Puppy have a run-in with the tiniest ghost of all. Who's scaring who?! 

Download: here, here or here

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